The courses listed below may not be offered every semester. For some courses, only certain sections or only those sections taught by a specific professor will earn points, as noted near the course title.
Engaged Learning approved courses earn points based on how many credits the course earns. A course that earns 1 credit will earn 1 engaged learning point; 2 credits earn 2 points; 3 or more credits earn 3 points. The maximum number of engaged learning points you can earn for any one course listed under the categories below is 3, no matter how many credits the course may earn. Use the Academic Catalog to determine how many points a course will earn and to read the course description.
Course | Title |
COM 366 | Project Management in Graphic Design |
COM 380 | Broadcast News Practicum |
COM 415 | In-Depth Reporting |
COM 426 | Social Media Capstone |
COM 440 | Cases and Campaigns in Public Relations |
COM 462 | Advanced Graphic Design and Portfolio |
CR 109 | Chapel Choir |
CR 209 | Schola Cantorum |
CR 501 | University Chorale |
CR 509 | Symphonic Choir |
CR 511 | Westminster Choir |
CR 513 | Williamson Voices |
CR 515 | Westminster Kantorei |
CR 517 | Master Singers |
DAN 210 | Rider Dances: Repertory and Production |
DAN 210T | Rider Dances: Repertory and Production Technical |
ENG 320 | Editing for Literary Publishing |
ENG 326 | Editing for Academic Publishing |
ENG 363 | The Drama (only sections taught by Dr. Jack Sullivan will earn points) |
FTV 221 | Animation: History, Art, Industry, and Culture |
FTV 231 | Film and Television Special Studies |
FTV 239 | YouTube: Content and Culture |
FTV 250 | Television Studio Production I |
FTV 255 | Mobile Studio Production |
FTV 282 | Solo Filmmaking |
FTV 305 | Video Editing and Post-Production |
FTV 335 | Documentary Production |
FTV 343 | Actor and Filmmaker Practicum |
FTV 395 | Los Angeles Media Experience |
FTV 435 | Filmmaking III |
GAM 401 | Game Workshop I |
GAM 402 | Game Workshop II |
ME 592 | Creativity and Music Technology |
MTR 493 | Musical Theatre Production |
MUS 116 | Digital DJing |
MUS 127 | Pop, Rock, and Hip-Hop Ensemble |
MUS 129 | Contemporary Vocal Ensemble |
MUS 213 | Digital Composition of Popular Music |
MUS 220 | Pop Songwriting I |
MUS 231 | Music Production Workshop |
MUS 316 | Digital Musing and Mastering |
OR 587 | Organ Improvisation I |
OR 588 | Organ Pedagogy |
PI 413 | Accompanying Class |
SM 509 | Jubilee Singers |
SM 519 | Concert Handbell Choir I |
TH 237 | Composition Class |
TH 253 | Orchestration |
TH 255 | Song Writing |
TH 259 | Electroacoustic Music |
TH 424 | Choral and Instrumental Arranging |
TH 432 | Contrapuntal Techniques |
TH 480 | Senior Project |
TH 511 | New Music Ensemble |
THE 115 | Stagecraft |
THE 127 | Theater Production |
THE 190 | Production I |
THE 215 | Introduction to Theatrical Lighting and Sound |
THE 216 | Introduction to Scenic Construction |
THE 250 | Introduction to Costume Construction |
VC 592 | Opera Workshop |
Course | Title |
ENG 322 | Grant Proposals, Fundraising and Development |
ENV 110 | The Future of Natural Resources |
ENV 340 | Environmental Field Methods and Data Analysis |
GSS 200 | Intro to Women’s Studies |
GSS 350 | Leadership and Community |
HTH 450 | Seminar in Health Research |
LDP 200 | Foundations of Leadership |
LDP 220 | Service Learning Through Minding Our Business |
MGT 201 | Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior (online sections will NOT earn points; only sections taught by Dr. Mark Promislo in the fall or spring that are 12-13 weeks long will earn points) |
MGT 363 | Management Skills (online sections will NOT earn points; only sections taught by Dr. Mark Promislo in fall or spring that are 12-13 weeks long will earn points) |
POL 200 | New Jersey Government and Politics |
SOC 248 | Social Service Organizations |
SPA 430 | LatinX Community Engagement |
SUS 400 | Sustainability Studies Seminar |
Course | Title |
CR 215 | Fundamentals of Conducting |
CR 315 | Techniques of Conducting |
DAN 498 | Senior Capstone |
ENG 316 | Theories of Writing and Tutoring |
IND 381 | Training Residence Education I |
IND 382 | Training Residence Education II |
IND 383 | Training Residence Education III |
THE 290 | Production I |
THE 400 | Directing for the Stage I |
THE 390 | Production II |
VC 593E, 593R, 593T | Opera Theater |
Course | Title |
AAD 351 | Crossing Cultural Borders |
AMS 226 | The New South |
BHP 253 | A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Play |
BIO 310 | Health and Ecology in Central America |
BUS 492 | Global Business Internship |
CBA 310/311/312/313 | Global Business Studies – Paris |
CBA 315 | International Business Tour |
CBA 316 | Nature’s Business |
CBA 317 | Emerging Nations Study Tour |
CBA 366 | Special Topics: Contemporary Challenges in Global Business: A Joint Summer Program Between Universidad Privada Boliviana [UPB, Bolivia] and Rider University [Lawrenceville, NJ, USA]. |
CBA 367 | Special Topics in Business (only travel to San Francisco- Silicon Valley) |
CBA 369 | Selected Topics in Business (only the travel course, Moonshots & Moneymakers at Oxford, UK, will earn points) |
CHI 310 | Chinese Culture and Civilization (only sections that contain travel to China with Dr. Wang will earn points) |
COM 330 | Documenting Cultures Through Travel |
EDE 226 | Teaching and Managing in the Urban Classroom |
FTV 330 | Documenting Culture Through Travel |
HIS 255 | History Abroad |
IND 200 | Study Away |
IND 210 | Global Encounters: (Destination varies by semester) |
IND 316 | Nature’s Business |
INT 314/315/316 | Study Abroad |
MGT 375 | International Management (online sections will NOT earn points; only sections taught by Dr. Joy Schneer in fall or spring that are 12-13 weeks long will earn points) |
MUS 312 | The Arts Abroad |
POL 285 | The Student Global Village |
POL 290 | Student Nobile Peace Prize Project |
POL 317 | Model United Nations |
PSY 110 | The Science of Well-being (only sections that contain travel to Greece with Dr. Law or Dr. Golski will earn points) |
SOC 280 | Social Movements Abroad (only sections taught by Dr. Joanna Kubik in fall or spring that are 12-13 weeks long will earn points) |
SPA 102 | Elementary Spanish II Abroad |
TH 512 | Chinese Music Ensemble |
THE 312 | The Arts Abroad |
Course | Title |
AAD 490 | Independent Research and Study |
ACC 490 | Independent Research and Study |
AMS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
ART 490 | Independent Research and Study |
AS 490 | Independent Research and Study |
BCH 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
BDA 398 | Business Data Analytics Practicum |
BED 490 | Independent Research and Study |
BHP 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
BHP 499 | Baccalaureate Honors Thesis |
BIO 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
BNS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
BUS 490 | Independent Research and Study |
CBA 320 | Case Analysis & Presentation (effective Fall 2024) |
CBA 490 | Independent Research and Study |
CHE 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
CHI 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
CIS 490 | Independent Research and Study |
COM 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
CR 490 | Independent Study and Research |
CSC 410 | Data Science and Big Data Analytics |
CSC 490 | Independent Research and Study |
CYB 490 | Cybersecurity Independent Study and Research |
DAN 490 | Independent Research and Study |
DAN 499 | Senior Honors Program |
ECO 450 | Seminar in Economics Research |
ECO 490 | Independent Research and Study |
EDU 451 | Special Topics in Education |
ENG 435 | Seminar in Milton |
ENG 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
ENG 497 | Advanced Study |
ENT 420 | Student Venture Experience |
ENT 448 | Small Business Consulting Seminar |
ENT 490 | Independent Research and Study |
ENV 290 | Directed Research and Study in Environmental Sciences |
ENV 480 | Senior Thesis |
ENV 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
EXS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
FIN 490 | Independent Research and Study |
FMS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
FTV 490 | Independent Study: Research and Study |
FRE 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
GEO 290 | Directed Research and Study in Geosciences |
GEO 480 | Senior Thesis |
GEO 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
GER 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
GLS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
GSC 290 | Strategic Sourcing and Procurement |
GSC 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
GSS 400 | Research into Transcultural Gender and Sexuality |
GSS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
HIS 460 | Research Seminar History |
HIS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
HRM 490 | Independent Research and Study |
HSC 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
HTH 490 | Independent Study in Health Administration |
IND 400 | Independent in Liberal Arts |
IND 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
LAW 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
LIB 490 | Independent and Supervised Study |
LL 490 | Independent Study and Research |
MAR 290 | Directed Research and Study in Marine Sciences |
MAR 480 | Senior Thesis |
MAR 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
MCS 280 | Directed Study in Multicultural Studies |
MCS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
ME 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MGT 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MH 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MKT 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MTH 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
MTR 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MUS 490 | Independent Research and Study |
MUS 498 | Popular Music Culture Capstone |
NUR 409 | BNS Capstone Evidence-Based Microsystem Practice Change |
OR 490 | Independent Research and Study |
PHL 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
PHL 494 | Preparation Research for Senior Thesis Philosophy |
PHL 495 | Senior Philosophy Thesis |
PI 490 | Independent Study: Research and Study |
POL 380 | LGBTQ+ Politics in the U.S. |
POL 450 | Seminar in Political Science |
POL 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
PSY 295 | Directed Study Psychology |
PSY 400 | Senior Seminar |
PSY 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
SCI 480 | Science Seminar Series |
SED 490 | Independent Research and Study |
SM 490 | Independent Research and Study |
SOC 400 | Senior Seminar |
SOC 460 | Criminal Justice Senior Seminar |
SOC 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
SOC 496, 497 | Honors in Sociology |
SPA 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
SPT 490 | Independent Research and Study |
SUS 490 | Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression |
TH 490 | Independent Research and Study |
THE 201 | Devised Theatre |
THE 490 | Independent Research and Study |
THE 499 | Senior Honors Program |
VC 490 | Independent Research and Study |
Course | Title |
AAD 225 | Arts Administration Practicum |
AAD 309 | Arts Events & Festivals Management |
AAD 401 | New York Arts Networking |
AAD 491 | Arts Management Internship |
ACC 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
ACC 491 | Accounting Internship |
AMS 491 | Internship in American Studies |
ART 491 | Internship in Art |
AS 491 | Art and Science Internship |
BCH 491 | Internship in Biochemistry |
BDA 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
BIO 210 | Hospital Intern Program |
BIO 491 | Internship in Biology |
BNS 491 | Internship in Behavioral Neuroscience |
BUS 491 | Business Administration Internship |
CBA 110 | Business in Action |
CBA 399 | CBA Co-Op |
CBA 491 | College of Business Internship |
CHE 491 | Internship in Chemistry |
CIS 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
CIS 491 | Computer Information Systems Internship |
COM 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
COM 470 | Live Sports Reporting Capstone |
COM 491 | Internship in Communication |
COM 493 | Radio Station Operations Capstone |
CSC 491 | Internship in Computer Science |
CYB 491 | Internship in Cybersecurity |
DAN 450 | Pedagogy and Methodology in Dance |
DAN 491 | Internship in Dance |
ECO 491 | Internship/Independent Study |
EDU 106 | Contexts of Schooling |
EDU 206 | Developmental Education Psychology |
EDU 320 | Introduction to Linguistics and Psycholinguistics |
EDU 420 | Teaching a Second Language |
EDU 465 | Student Teaching and Seminar |
ELD 307 | Foundations of Early Literacy K-3 |
ELD 308 | Fostering Literacy and Language Development Across Disciplines |
ELD 375 | Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Elementary Classrooms |
ELD 376 | Teaching Science, Social Studies and the Arts N-6 |
ELD 380 | Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School |
ELD 385 | Teaching Science in the Middle School |
ELD 390 | Teaching Social Studies in the Middle School |
ELD 395 | Literacy Learning in the Middle School |
ENG 326 | Editing for Academic Publishing |
ENG 491 | Internship in Writing and Publishing |
ENT 399 | Entrepreneurship Co-Op |
ENT 491 | Internship |
ENV 491 | Internship in Environmental Sciences |
EXS 291 | Exercise Science Practicum 1 |
EXS 391 | Exercise Science Practicum 2 |
EXS 491 | Internship in Exercise Science |
FIN 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
FIN 491 | Finance Internship |
FLE 320 | Introduction to Linguistics and Psycholinguistics |
FLE 420 | Teaching a Second Language |
FMS 491 | Internship in Film and Media Studies |
FRE 491 | Internship in Foreign Languages |
FTV 399 | The Co-Operative Experience |
FTV 491 | Internship in Film and TV |
GAM 491 | Internship in Game Design |
GEO 350/350L | Soil and Surficial Processes |
GEO 491 | Internship in Geosciences |
GER 491 | Internship in Foreign Languages |
GLS 491 | Internship in Global Studies |
GSC 399 | Global Supply Chain Co-Op Program |
GSC 491 | Global Supply Chain Internship |
GSS 491 | Internship |
HCP 491 | Health Care Policy Internship |
HIS 491 | Internship in History |
HLS 491 | Internship in NJ Homeland Security |
HRM 491 | Internship |
HRM 492 | Internship in Human Resource Management |
HSC 491 | Internship in Health Sciences |
HTH 491 | Health Management Internship |
IND 350 | The Rider Shadow Experience |
IND 398 | The Co-op Experience Seminar |
LAW 491 | Internship in Law and Justice |
LDP 398 | The Co-op Experience Seminar |
MAR 491 | Internship in Marine Sciences |
MCS 491 | Internship in Multicultural Studies |
ME 161 | Art of Teaching Music I |
ME 262 | Art of Teaching Music II |
ME 491 | Kodaly Music Reading |
ME 492 | Student Teaching |
ME 563 | Art of Teaching Music III |
ME 564 | Art of Teaching Music IV |
MGT 399 | Co-op in Management and Leadership |
MGT 491 | Internship in Management and Organizational Behavior |
MKT 491 | Internship-Based Independent Study |
MSD 491 | Management Sciences Internship |
MTR 491 | Internship in Music Theatre |
MUS 491 | Internship in Music |
PHL 491 | Internship in Philosophy |
PHY 491 | Internship in Physics |
POL 399 | The Co-operative Experience |
POL 491 | Internship in Political Science |
PSY 299 | Field Placement in Applied Behavior Analysis |
PSY 491 | Internship in Psychology |
SED 370 | Teaching in the High School |
SED 400 | Teaching English Language Arts in the Secondary School |
SED 405 | Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools |
SED 410 | Teaching Science in Secondary Schools |
SED 415 | Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools |
SED 431 | Content Area Reading and Writing |
SM 340 | Church Field Education |
SM 491 | Sacred Music Internship |
SOC 396 | Applied Sociology |
SOC 491 | Internship in Sociology |
SOW 301 | Fieldwork Experience |
SPA 491 | Internship in Foreign Languages |
SPT 491 | Sport Management Internship |
SUS 491 | Internship in Sustainability |
TEC 455 | Work Experience Cooperative Program |
THE 491 | Internship in Theater |
*A maximum of 3 points will be awarded for any course, regardless of the total number of credits earned.