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This directory contains select faculty and staff profiles made publicly available through the web site. Not all employees may be represented in this listingUpdates to this directory may be requested through the OIT Helpdesk.

To access a comprehensive, password-protected Employee University Directory, please access via the myRider portal or the Rider mobile app. This information is not publicly accessible to protect the information security of our employees. Download the Rider Mobile app from the iOS App Store or Android Google Play.

Pamela Abbazia
Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Marketing and Communications
Frank Abrahams
Professor of Music Education Emeritus
Leandra Acosta
Associate Director of Performance Management
Patricia Adams
Manager, Business Operations
Renata Adamska
Senior Payroll Specialist
Alfred Adigun
Natasha Agilina
Conservatory Teacher
Renato Aguilar
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Emmanuel Ahia
Professor (Emeritus)

Note: Any questions regarding student information should be directed to the Registrar's office. Please direct all questions regarding the Campus Directory to Human Resources at