Support from the start.
The Norm Brodsky College of Business peer mentor program pairs first-year students in the Business Living & Learning Community (BUS LLC) with experienced upperclass students. These mentors play a large role in easing the transition to college and enhance students’ introduction to Rider University. Mentors assist new students in building community connections and learning how to navigate campus effectively. Their guidance, advice and support contribute to academic, social and professional success. All incoming students living in the BUS LLC will automatically be matched with a mentor.
Benefits for the mentee
Having a peer mentor means you have a knowledgeable friend on campus from day one. Having a mentor can positively impact your experience and provide benefits at Rider, and beyond your college years. Mentors share information about where to get advice, course selection, professors and campus involvement.
You will:
- Gain practical peer advice, encouragement and support
- Increase your academic and social confidence
- Develop key relationships at the start of your Rider journey
- Learn about student clubs and organizations from involved students
- Acquire valuable insight to help you transition into your new role as a college student

"In addition to giving me my best friends, Rider's BUS LLC's early move-in introduced me to mentors whose outstanding support cleared up any academic or Rider-specific confusion. They became my go-to people for problems in business classes and life."
– Adam Mitnitsky, Class of 2027
Benefits for the mentor
Serving as a peer mentor is a powerful and rewarding leadership experience. Being a peer mentor is a year-long commitment. Upperclassmen are paired with freshmen, meet with them throughout the year and participate in the activities of the BUS LLC. Mentors also play an integral role in the CBA 110 Business in Action course, working with faculty to guide students in their semester-long business project.
You will:
- Improve your communication, interpersonal and leadership skills
- Enhance your resume/references for employment opportunities
- Develop and collaborate on programs and events
- Support student learning in the Business in Action course
- Get an early move-in date
- Earn engaged learning points in the Leadership and Mentoring category

“The peer mentor program encourages growth, professionalism and leadership. I started my peer mentor journey sophomore year and have learned how to communicate effectively, grow meaningful connections and lead people to success.”
– Rachel Schwenk, Class of 2024
Apply to become a mentor
Mentors are chosen through application review and a series of interviews. Peer mentors are chosen in the spring semester for the following academic year. The application process is open to current business major freshmen and sophomores who have received a B or higher in CBA 110 and have greater than a 2.75 overall GPA. Peer mentors must be available B period (9:10-10:10 a.m.) and/or C period (10:20-11:20 a.m.) on MWF mornings during the semester to work with the Business in Action course. Current peer mentors in their junior year may apply to be a senior peer mentor. Senior peer mentors offer their guidance and experience to advise and support the peer mentors.
Applications are due by April 1 and interviews will follow shortly thereafter.
Lecturer l, Director of Living and Learning Community
Sweigart Hall
bbraddock [at]
609-896-5000 ext. 7056
Academic Focus: Marketing