Internships in Writing and Publishing
Earn course credits. Gain experience. Make connections.
Rider’s English majors and minors have interned at such places as Princeton University Press, Macmillan Publishers, Cineaste, Ok-Tho Magazine, A Guest in the House podcast, Chicana/Latina Studies, Eva Ries Inc, and the Washington Post.
Before my internships, I really had no idea what I wanted to do for a career.”
Internships carry course credits. Junior and Senior English majors and minors can earn 1-6 credits for ENG 491: Internship in Writing and Publishing.
Internships count toward your Engaged Learning Experiences. ENG 491 counts toward your required hours of Engaged Learning and adds to your Engaged Learning Transcript (ELT) that goes to prospective employers.
Internships meet a writing concentration requirement. Majors and minors in the writing concentration can count ENG 491 for their 400-level writing course.
Internships pay. Many internships pay $15 or more per hour, which allows you to earn valuable career experience while making as much as you might at a part-time job. This is a welcome change from just a few years ago, when most publishing internships were unpaid.
Internships lead to jobs. The skills you learn, and connections you make, at an internship look great on your résumé. Several recent Rider English grads have done internships that led to full-time jobs right after graduation, at companies like Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Taylor & Francis.
How do you get started?
Email Dr. Mickey Hess, Internship Coordinator for the English Department, at
Where can you find internships?
English majors and minors can choose from internships at publishing companies, literary agencies, newspapers, and magazines, including internships in public relations, arts reviewing, non-profit fundraising, grant development, and corporate communications. Recent English interns have worked for:
- Princeton University Press
- Macmillan Publishers
- OK-Tho! Magazine
- Eva Ries Inc.
- Cineaste
- Rider University, University Marketing & Communications
- Rider University, Office of Enrollment Management
- Rider University, Development Office
- Westminster Choir College External Relations
Start your search online:
- Book Jobs Internship Search
- Princeton University Press Internships
- Sigma Tau Delta/Penguin Random House Internships
- HarperCollins Internships
- Penguin Random House Internships
- Scholarly Communications Internships
- Chronicle Books Internships
- W.W. Norton Internships
- Hachette Books Careers
- Quirk Books Internships
- Internships in publishing at
- ACES Job Bank
- Search for “publishing internship” or “editorial internship” at
Internship Scholarships and Grants
- Rider’s School of Liberal Arts and Science (SLAS) Internship Scholarship Program, sponsored by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Education, and Sciences, provides funds each year of up to $500 for SLAS undergraduate students who need financial help when taking on an unpaid internship-for-credit. Students must be either a Junior or Senior with an overall GPA of 2.75 to be eligible for this award.
- We Need Diverse Books Internship Grants award supplemental grants to students from diverse backgrounds to help further their goals of pursuing a career in children’s publishing.
- Sigma Tau Delta Internship Program: Students in Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society, get preference for internships at Penguin/Random House, plus a pay bonus from Sigma Tau Delta. Sigma Tau Delta will provide the recipient an additional $700 stipend to assist with expenses.