Learn on your terms
Rider offers a number of fully online undergraduate and graduate programs to provide you with the convenience you need in earning your bachelor’s, master’s or certificate. Before you apply to an online program, the first step is to learn about the specific requirements for the program you are interested in.
Ready to get started? Visit the continuing education or graduate admission pages for detailed information on how to apply.
Online undergraduate programs
If you are applying for a 100% online undergraduate program, follow the Continuing Education Admission application process.
Continuing Education Admission is for adult learners only. High school seniors with no college credits should apply for traditional first-year admission.
Continuing education application process
Online graduate program
If you are applying for a 100% online graduate program, follow the Graduate Admission application process.
State authorization for distance learning

Rider University is an approved institutional participant of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). NC-SARA is a national initiative that provides broad access to programs and courses while maintaining compliance standards with state regulatory agencies. Participation allows Rider to deliver distance education programs and courses to students in approved SARA member states/territories.