Supporting Students of Concern
As faculty or staff, you will likely have a concern about or interact with a student in distress. The student may seek you out and want to talk about their problems or you may notice something that worries you about the student.
Counseling Services at Rider has outlined a set of behaviors you may have observed from a student of concern and helpful strategies, and resources, to employ when assisting them.
Student Welfare Committees
Student Welfare Committees have been developed at Rider to discuss exceptional cases involving undergraduate and graduate students presenting concerns that are best addressed by the combined attention of multiple campus offices. Exceptional cases are defined as:
- Students whose behavior and/or emotional state raise significant concerns
- Students who have experienced traumatic personal events that have diminished their quality of life on campus.
- Students who may be threats to themselves.
- Students who may be threats to the campus community.
Rider’s Student Welfare Committees consult on and implement early intervention strategies for at-risk students through collaboration with campus departments, faculty and staff. Students exhibiting behaviors that are of concern in relation to their personal, physical and emotional well-being should be referred to this team of professionals.
Students who create these concerns may manifest their difficulties in the classroom, in the residence halls, and in many other settings within the University. When faculty or staff encounter students whose behavior or situation is analogous to the cases described above, they should communicate their concerns and observations to the Dean of Students Office at (609) 896-5101. You can also consult with any member of the Student Welfare Committee.
The Student Welfare Committee will review information on the student’s behavior and background. The team will then determine an action plan and monitor the student on a case-by-case basis. Communication with the involved parties is led by a member of the Student Welfare Committee to ensure consistency and ongoing monitoring of these students when necessary.
The role of the team is:
- to facilitate communication of information regarding students who may be experiencing significant difficulties or may be a threat to themselves or others;
- to lead a collaborative effort to promote well-being and safety of the identified students;
- to develop strategies that best utilize campus and community resources to assist identified students.
Student information discussed by the Student Welfare Committee is considered both private and confidential and will be managed in compliance with the appropriate FERPA regulations.
The current membership of the Student Welfare Committees is as follows:
- Associate Dean of Students, Christine Mehlhorn (Chair)
- Director of Student Accessibility and Support Services, Christine Psolka
- Associate Dean of Residence Life, Roberta Butler
- Associate Provost / Associate Council, Matthew Stieglitz
- Director of Counseling Services, Dr. Anissa Moody
- Assistant Athletic Trainer, Priya Mehrish
- Director of Community Standards, Dr. Keith Kemo
- Interim Director of Public Safety, Matthew Babcock
- Associate Dean of Campus Life, Nicholas Barbati
If you are concerned about a student, please let us know. You may report a student of concern by contacting the Dean of Students Office at (609) 896-5101. You may also contact any member of the Student Welfare Committee.
If you are concerned that someone is in immediate danger of harming themselves or others, please contact Public Safety at (609) 896-7777.