Project Pay Proposals
Please contact Human Resources (ext. 7282) if there are any questions.
As a general rule, non-faculty employees cannot receive any compensation from Rider other than their regular paychecks. Under certain extremely limited circumstances, approval may be given for additional pay to non-faculty employees. The request for this additional pay must be made in advance through the department head and division head. Division heads will then bring recommendations to the Vice President of Human Resources for review. As there could be legal ramifications to these types of decisions, it is imperative that proper evaluation and approval steps be followed. Supervisors should not commit to employees absent HR approval.
Requests for payment to faculty members for project pay must be initiated by the Dean's Office. These requests should be submitted at least 10 business days before the start of the activity. Supervisors should refrain from making commitments to employees without prior approval from the Dean. Project pay will only be processed once approval has been granted by both the Dean and Academic Affairs.
Please contact Human Resources (ext. 7282) if there are any questions.
[email protected]
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