Want to become a teacher? You could qualify for a scholarship of up to $5,000 per year for future teachers.
Teaching is more than a profession — it’s a calling. By educating young minds, teachers prepare the next generation for success and enable them with knowledge needed to make a difference.
Rider encourages students to embark on this rewarding career path by offering scholarships, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 per year, for incoming undergraduate education majors, beginning with the fall 2024 semester. The scholarship is renewable for the lesser of 8 consecutive semesters or completion of an undergraduate degree in elementary education, secondary education or music education.
This scholarship was made possible, in part, by the generous donation of Elsie Varga '39 and James H. McGordy '39.
How to Apply
Apply to Rider University as an undergraduate elementary education, secondary education or music education major. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you will receive a letter that describes the award, undergraduate maintenance requirements and eligibility requirements.
Undergraduate eligibility & maintenance requirements:
- Must declare an elementary education, secondary education or music education major as an incoming first-year or transfer student
- Must enroll for a minimum of 12 credits per semester
- Must remain enrolled in good standing as an education major
- Must maintain a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.0 or higher
Scholarship award value to be determined at Rider’s discretion based on review of the student's academic record, including cumulative GPA, rigor of academic course selection, test scores (if applicable), and other supporting credentials.
Important information:
- Scholarship is renewable provided the academic requirements specified in the acceptance letter, including CGPA, are maintained.
- Scholarship cannot be renewed if the student’s major is changed.
- If the scholarship is lost, it cannot be reinstated.
Interested in learning more? Contact us.
Executive Director of Undergraduate, Transfer, International and WCC Admission; EOP Admission Liaison
NJ: Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon and Passaic Counties; Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands; New York (excluding Nassau, Richmond and Suffolk Counties); Connecticut; Homeschooled students
smakowski [at] rider.edu
609-557-3504 (Mobile)

Dean, College of Education and Human Services
Bierenbaum Fisher Hall
jdinguseason [at] rider.edu