About the School Psychology Faculty
Students benefit from classes taught by faculty who are active researchers — a rarity in most graduate programs. Faculty members are also active practitioners, conducting evaluations, consulting with teachers and school districts and offering parent trainings.
Our faculty members are shaping theory and practice within the field, publishing books and authoring articles in top-tier medical, psychological and educational journals, including:
- Journal of School Psychology
- School Psychology Review
- Psychological Assessment
- Journal of Applied School Psychology
- School Psychology
- Contemporary School Psychology
- Structural Equation Modeling Assessment
- Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Journal of Pediatric Psychology
- Birth Defects Research: Teratology
- Educational Forum
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Their work has been recognized by leading authorities in medicine, public health, psychology and law, including:
- U.S. Assistant Surgeon General
- The head of the National Institutes of Health
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- American Psychological Association
Recent research and publications

Recent awards and accomplishments
- Dr. Dombrowski was recognized as one of the top 25 most productive researchers in his field out of 931 doctoral and non-doctoral programs, according to authorship credit metrics published in Psychology in the Schools by Geissler, Demir, and Walsh (2024). Notably, he was one of only three school psychologists from non-doctoral programs to earn this distinction.
- Dr. Dombrowski served as keynote speak at the Australian Psychological Society presenting on the topic of evidence-based psychological assessment practices in 2023
- Dr. Dombrowski’s article, “Cognitive profile analysis in school psychology: History, issues, and continued concerns” published in the Journal of School Psychology won article of the year in 2019.
- Dr. Dombrowski’s article, “Warning signs for hype in school-based assessment: Implications for training and pedagogy,” published in School Psychology: Training & Pedagogy received honorable mention accommodation for article-of-the-year.
- Dr. Dombrowski recently received the Jane Bostrum Service to School Psychology award, which is a state level award from the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists for his research contributions to the field of school psychology
- Dr. Gischlar was elected as the Central Delegate to the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists