Recent News
Rider business students finish third in national consulting competition
This third-place national finish is a great example as to what can happen when students propose useful, implementable client solutions.
May 2024
Rider University's undergraduate student team secures its 6th national title this year in the SBI Project of the Year Competition
Since participating in the competition, Rider University has had a total of 39 top 10 finishes between the undergraduate and graduate divisions of the competition.
May 3, 2023
Rider University's graduate student team secured 2nd place in this year's National Small Business Institute Project of the Year Competition
This year's team excelled by providing a consulting report for Virbby LLC, a Delaware-based company focused on bilingual interpretation services.
Rider undergrads place in top 10 in national consulting competition
Team recognized in the Small Business Institute® Project of the Year Competition
February 5, 2021
Rider grad business students place fourth in national consulting competition
Team recognized among best Small Business Institute consulting projects
December 21, 2020
Rider team places in second for national consulting competition
For the 16th time, Rider makes top 10 for the Small Business Institute Consulting Project of the Year competition
April 3, 2019
Rider students recognized in national business competition
Norm Brodsky College of Business boasts more than 30 wins in Small Business Institute competition.
January 15, 2019
About Small Business Institute
The objectives of the SBI are to:
- Enhance students’ critical thinking ability through an exceptional experiential learning process.
- Provide substantial consulting assistance to local small businesses/organizations who participate in the SBI program.
- Strengthen the local economy through the efforts of these student consultants.
In the SBI program, the students serve as consultants. They learn by direct involvement with a small firm/organization, helping the CEO solve problems and analyze opportunities. They meet with the firm to discuss opportunities or problems that need to be analyzed. They provide a firm with a written report and make a presentation of its findings at the end of the semester. The types of assistance will vary based on a firm's needs.
Students gain an understanding of the wide range of decisions and choices that a firm must consider. They learn what information is important to focus on, decide what action needs to be taken, and then take that action. The knowledge and confidence gained by these students from a consulting experience helps prepare them for the next stage of their career. Companies who participate help the students grow by their active participation in the consulting process.
Students and Companies/Organizations:
Email Dr. Ron Cook at [email protected] for further information.
National Small Business Institute
There are numerous other SBI programs located in the United States and around the world and you may find a program near you.
One of the best places to visit is the National Small Business Institute® (SBI) web site:
SBI is the professional association of over 200 Small Business Institutes at colleges and universities around the world.
Thank you to our SBI sponsor,

GRETALIA Hospitality Group
GRETALIA Hospitality Group recognizes the value of students engaging in high-quality business consulting to benefit small firms and organizations. To learn more about GRETALIA Hospitality Group, please visit their website: