Pre-Entrance Health Requirements
Welcome to Rider!
Below is information regarding your pre-entrance health requirements for incoming students. Please read this carefully.
Student Health Center is responsible for the public health of our campus and for monitoring and maintaining immunization requirements that are mandated by the State of New Jersey (N.J.A.C. 8:57-6). Please access the Healthy Broncs Portal to complete your health requirements. These requirements are due by July 15 for Fall start term and January 15th for Spring start term.
Due date for completion of health requirements:
- Fall start term: July 15
- Spring start term: January 15
Due dates for submission of vaccine exemption requests:
- Fall start term: July 15
- Spring start term: January 15
The University will consider requests for medical and religious exemptions from required vaccinations. Exemption requests are carefully considered on a case-by-case basis but are not automatically granted. Students are encouraged to submit exemption requests as soon as possible in advance of the deadline.
Required health forms
All forms can be printed through the Healthy Broncs Portal.
- All required vaccination fields must be completed. You do not have to use our form; an Immunization Record from your provider or previous school, can be substituted as long as it contains all the necessary Rider requirements. Please have your provider sign and stamp either form.
- Be sure to obtain any missing immunizations. If your healthcare provider does not offer certain immunizations local pharmacies provide these services.
- Mandatory vaccination requirements include:
- Hepatitis B: The Hepatitis B vaccine is required for all students enrolled in 12 or more credits as well as all athletes, residents and international students.
- MMR: Students are required to be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella.
- Meningitis: The Meningitis ACYW vaccine, given at or after the student's 16th birthday, is required for all first time freshmen (regardless of residency). For all other students (transfer, graduate, exchange) the Meningitis ACYW vaccine is required for any students residing or congregating on campus (this includes all D-1 athletes) within the last 5 years.
- Covid 19: Students are recommended to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccine series.
- Meningitis B
- Hepatitis A
- Tdap (within last 10 years)
- MENINGITIS INFORMATION (to be completed on the portal)
- The State of New Jersey requires that students and parents are aware of a potentially life-threatening disease called Meningococcal Meningitis.
- All parents and students are required to read the information concerning Meningitis and the information regarding an available vaccine: Meningococcal Disease for College Students (PDF)
- To be completed by every student on the portal. If you answered YES to one or more questions, you must submit either a Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) test or a Quantiferon Gold study performed within the last 12 months.
- If you have have a positive PPD or Quantiferon Gold study you must be evaluated by a physician for signs of Tuberculosis. You will need to submit documentation from the physician as proof of evaluation and/or treatment.
Submitting Health Forms
- Claim Your Rider Key and Pre-Register for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Claim your Rider Key. Your Rider Key is provided at the time of admission and sent to your Rider email address. You can visit the Rider Key FAQs page for additional information and instructions for claiming your Rider Key.
- Pre-register for multi-factor authentication (MFA). Visit the MFA FAQ page for additional information and pre-registration instructions.
- If you need assistance, please contact the Helpdesk at 609-219-3000 or
- Students that have already claimed their Rider Key and registered for MFA will not have to do either again.
- Visit the Healthy Broncs Portal at and log in using your Rider Key.
- Student Health Center will provide you with detailed steps on how to complete your health requirements.
- Immunization Requirements: You will need to “upload the form” to the portal and “Enter Dates” Using the Rider Immunization form as a guide, manually type in the dates that you received the immunizations. If you are submitting laboratory immunity testing in place of vaccination dates, leave the spaces blank. When finished, click “Submit”. Both steps need to be completed in order to be compliant.
- When all steps have been completed, your records will be queued for review by the Health Center staff. When this review is complete, a message will be sent to your Healthy Bronc Portal account. You will be informed if your requirements are complete or incomplete. Be sure to monitor your portal account and Rider email account frequently.
A word about scanning documents for upload into Healthy Broncs Portal
If you do not have a scanner, scanning apps are available for download from the App Store on your smartphone (e.g. CamScanner-free version). Other options are your local public library (most have scanners for free use with a library membership-also free), and your local Staples store (fee charged). Do NOT fax, email or bring records to our office. They will NOT be reviewed and will further delay the clearing of your holds.
Health Insurance Requirements
All full-time students (12+ credits) are required to have comprehensive health insurance coverage. You must WAIVE or ENROLL in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) each academic year. Please visit our Student Health Insurance page for more information.