Teaches modern American history, including courses on politics, culture, women, gender, and sexuality. My research focuses on the intersections between ideas about gender, sexuality, and political culture in the modern United States. I’ve written on the significance of the family as a social and political construction, the development of modern conservatism in America, and the long history of our present day culture wars. (Ph.D. Brown University)
- Doctor of Philosophy, History, 2010, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
- Master of Arts, History, 2002, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
- Bachelor of Arts, History concentration, 1998, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York
Teaching Positions
- Professor, 2022-present
- Associate Professor, 2017-2022
- Assistant Professor, 2011-2017
Courses Taught at Rider
- HIS-151: World History from 1500 to the present
- HIS-181: US History II
- HIS-218: America Between the Wars
- HIS-220: History of America’s Culture Wars
- HIS-260: Craft of History: US and the World
- HIS-260: Craft of History: the Jazz Age
- HIS-306: Modern American Cultural History
- HIS-309: American Women’s History
- HIS-307: The Immigrant in American Life
- HIS-319: History of Gender and Sexuality in America
- HIS-337: Post-1945 American History
- HIS-398: Special Topics: Modern American Political Culture
- HIS-460: Historical Methods: Modern American Cultural History
- HIS-460: Historical Methods: Modern American History
- BHP-227: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Age of Empire
- GSS-245: Popular Constructions of Gender and Sexuality
- GSS-400: Transcultural Seminar in Gender and Sexuality
Awards and Honors
- Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award (2024)
- Frank N. Elliott Award for Distinguished Service (2021)
- Ziegler-Gee Award, Rider University and Gender and Sexuality Studies program (2016)
- When the World Broke in Two: the Roaring Twenties and the Dawn of America’s Culture Wars. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2018
- Red War on the Family: Sex, Gender, and Americanism in the First Red Scare. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2014
Peer Reviewed Articles
- “Women, Gender, and Red Scares in the Modern United States.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. Oxford University Press. Article published June 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.013.579.
- “Heterosexuality and Americanization: “Social Education” for Immigrant Youth in the1920s,” Notches: remarks on the history of sexuality. January 2015. http://notchesblog.com/2015/01/22/heterosexuality-and-americanization-social-education-for-immigrant-youth-in-the-1920s/
- “Red War on the Family: An Interview with Erica Ryan,” Notches: remarks on the history of sexuality, July 2015. http://notchesblog.com/2015/07/21/red-war-on-the-family-an-interview-with-erica-ryan/
- “Sheppard Towner Act,” Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: 1918-1929, James Ciment ed., (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2008)
- “Women and Gender,” Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: 1918-1929, James Ciment ed., (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2008)
Book Reviews
- Book review of "Red Dynamite: Creationism, Culture Wars, and Anticommunism in America," by Carl R. Weinberg in The American Historical Review, Volume 129, Issue 2, June 2024.
- Book Review of “Alice Paul: Claiming Power,” by J.D. Zahniser and Amelia R. Fry, in New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 6, No 2 (2020), 135-139.
- Book Review of “Protecting the Home Front: Women in Civil Defense in the Early Cold War,” by Michael Scheibach, in H-War, H-Net Reviews, December 2019.
- Book Review of “American Girls in Red Russia: Chasing the Soviet Dream,” by Julia Mickenberg, in The American Historical Review, Vol. 123, Issue 4, Oct 2018, 1335-1336.
- Book Review of “Reproductive Justice: The Politics of Health Care for Native American Women,” by Barbara Gurr, in Women and Social Movements in the United States, September 2015.
- Book Review of “What Adolescents Ought to Know: Sexual Health Texts in Early Twentieth-Century America,” by Jennifer Burek Pierce, in History: Review of New Books, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 2013, 16.
- Book Review of “The Masculine Woman in America, 1890-1935,” by Laura Behling, in Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 35, No. 3, June 2006, 384-386.
- Book Review of “Choice and Coercion: Birth Control, Sterilization, and Abortion in Public Health and Welfare,” by Johanna Schoen on Women and Social Movements in the United States, March 2006.
- Rider University Research Leave (2024)
- Rider University Summer Fellowship Award (2012, 2014, 2017)
- John Lax Fellowship, Department of History, Brown University (2006)
- Clarke Chambers Travel Fellowship, Social Welfare Archives, University of Minnesota (2005)
- Sophia Smith Collection, Travel-to-Collection Grant, Smith College (2004)
Presentations and Invited Lectures
- “Fathers Know Best: The Politics of American Fatherhood at the Cold War’s End.” Berkshire Conference on Women, Genders, and Sexualities, Santa Clara University, CA June 2023
- “When the World Broke in Two: the Roaring Twenties and the Reshaping of American Culture.” Invited lecture, Somerset County Library, New Jersey, November 2022.
- “Making the Public Private: Race and Masculinity in the Fatherhood Responsibility Movement at the End of the Cold War.” Society for United States Intellectual History Conference, Nashville, TN, Oct 2021
- “Families at the Turning Point: The Fatherhood Responsibility Movement in America at the end of the Cold War.” Social Science History Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 2021
- “An Inclusive History of Women’s Suffrage.” Invited lecture, Moore Library, New Jersey Council for the Humanities Grant, March 2021
- Chair, “New Jersey Women’s Suffrage: Its Many Faces,” NJ History Conference, NJ Historical Commission, November 2020
- “When the World Broke in Two: America on the Cusp of the 1920s.” Invited opening plenary at “Un/Tethered: Cather on the Cusp of the 1920s” conference, Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE, June 2020
Public History
- Panel coordinator, ERA Symposium, Alice Paul Institute, Sept 2022-March 2023
- Invited to create a “best books” list related to When the World Broke in Two for Shepherd website offering curated book lists by authors and scholars 2021 https://shepherd.com/best-books/cultures-role-in-shaping-race-class-gender-america?fbclid=IwAR2JlKqlVF_lttWcgt4yaegvXPR8VTbU4hgJV6jgR_VEmzTS6owL1vCXrCw
- “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” Foreward to Rider University Women’s Suffrage Centennial Cookbook, published on medium.com, for Rider’s Women’s Leadership Council, Summer 2020 https://medium.com/@rideruniversity/standing-on-the-shoulders-of-giants-e8d96b51a2e0
- Consulted and co-wrote script for “It Happened Here New Jersey: New Jersey Women Vote 1964,” for New Jersey Historical Commission August 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esXKUuKLArs
- Consulted and helped write copy for award winning exhibit, “Marketing the Movement: How Women Won the Vote” with Alice Paul Institute, Winter 2019 https://www.alicepaul.org/marketing-the-movement/
- Created a panel by choosing participants and moderating, “New Jersey Suffrage: Its Many Faces,” for the Alice Paul Institute, Winter 2019-Spring 2020
Scholarly Interviews
- Vice News, interview with reporter Carter Sherman on the 1920s, “Is Hot Vax Summer Even Happening?” July 2021 https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgx74n/hot-vax-summer-dating-apps
- Washington Post, interview with reporter Maura Judkis on the 1920s, “Hot Vax Summer is Coming. Can It Possibly Live Up to the Hype?” May 2021 https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/post-vaccination-summer-partying-dating-sex/2021/05/17/a04ca36e-b43c-11eb-9059-d8176b9e3798_story.html
- KYW News Radio, interview with reporter Cherri Gregg, “Nineteenth Amendment Marked the End of One Struggle for Women—and the Beginning of Another” August 2020 https://www.audacy.com/kywnewsradio/articles/feature-article/voting-marks-end-of-one-struggle-for-women-start-of-another
- La Nacion, interview with reporter Enrique Fraga, “The Centennial Roar of the Crazy Years” Feb 2020 https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.lanacion.com.ar/el-mundo/el-rugido-centenario-anos-locos-nid2333188/&prev=search&pto=aue
- American Women’s History Journey Podcast, interview with Virginia Bensen on the history of feminism, Red War on the Family, and When the World Broke in Two Nov 2018
Professional and Community Service
- Treasurer, New Jersey Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, 2021-present
- Member of Steering Committee, Diversity Discovered, https://diversitydiscovered.org/our-team, 2020-present
- Historical consultant, “Put NJ Suffragists on the Map,” Alice Paul Institute grant project via New Jersey Historical Commission, 2019-2020
- Planning Committee, “NJ Women Make History”: New Jersey History Conference, Nov 1, 2019, New Jersey Historical Commission, 2019
- Planning Committee, NJ Women Vote, Public Programs Committee, 2018-2020
- Project coordinator, “Suffrage Speaks,” Alice Paul Institute grant project via New Jersey Historical Commission, 2018-2019
- Co-Chair, New Jersey Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, Sep 2016-2018
Professional Affiliations
- American Historical Association
- Organization of American Historians
- New Jersey Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium
- Center for LGBTQ Studies