Please read all the directions below:
Rider students may prepare for NJ state certification through our Office of Field Placement and State Certification for up to one year of the graduation date for completing their corresponding Rider Education program(s). To take advantage of this nomination service, proceed through the 4 steps, including completing the questionnaire found in step 3 during the final semester of your certification program. If in the meantime you have further certification related questions, or need help navigating the NJEdCert system, please email Jeanette Friscia, Certification Coordinator, at [email protected] and include your Bronc ID and the program you are completing along with your question. Ideally include some times and dates of your availability to meet over Zoom as Zoom appointments are welcomed and encouraged.
Here are the 4 steps required during your final semester to get NJ certifications underway.
- Apply to graduate - As a program completer for the current semester, log into your MyRider account and select “apply for graduation.” This step is required, whether applying for completion of a degree program or a certification program or both. Each degree/certification program is handled individually so be sure to apply for each accordingly. Students will be charged the graduation fee upon applying for their degree program. And they will not be charged for the separate certificate applications applicable.
- Establish your NJEdCert account in the New Jersey Dept. of Education’s new application system. If you've already establised your NJEdCert account you may skip this step. You'll find guidance tips here for the information you'll need to have on hand to set up your account. (DO NOT APPLY FOR CERTIFICATION AT THIS POINT, YOU MUST WAIT FOR THE NOMINATION PROCESS AND EMAIL NOTIFICATION DESCRIBED IN STEP 4 BELOW). Depending if and when you acquired previous certifications or credentials, you may have already established your NJEdCert account. Here are the options:
- a) If you recently applied for a substitute credential or other certification on or after May 31, 2022 you've already established your NJEdCert account and may skip this step, but note your NJEdCert email address (also known as your username) for the questionnaire in step 3.
- b) If you have previous certification(s) in the old TCIS system (applications made prior to May 25, 2022*), your data, including your name and email address need to match exactly to how they were listed previously in order to tie the records together in order to avoid creating a duplicate account with no previous certifications. You can look up your NJ DOE Tracking Number(s) through a search tool at the bottom of the NJEdCert page. It's below the "Log In" and "Create Account" buttons, titled "Educator License Search" Also, you may reach out to Jeanette Friscia ([email protected]) if you need help identifying the email address you used previously to assist in accurately connecting your new NJEdCert account to your previous certifications. Be especially careful creating your account if you’ve had a name change since the previous certification system, because you'll need to create your new NJEdCert account under that previous name so that the new system recognizes you and connects your previous certifications. Then once your account is created, you'll proceed with the name change process found in the customer service portal on the home page of your NJEdCert account.
*substitute applications made prior to mid 2021 are paper format only and do not have a tracking number. These may still be active, but will not be listed within the TCIS or the new NJEdCert systems. - c) IF this is your first experience with certifications, you’ll start by creating your NJEdCert account and leave the Tracking Number question blank.
*Be very careful creating your account, use a computer or laptop, not your phone. Be mindful of autofill features. Make sure all information is double-checked before actually entering it. Here are some general instructions, noting exceptions above:- Use your full legal name. (exception for previous TCIS account holders under a previous last name as explained in step 2 b. You will need to do a name change AFTER creating your new NJEdCert account in your previous name so that your previous certifications stay in your records.)
- You’ll also input your ETS candidate number if applicable, which is found on the top left corner on your Praxis Test Taker Score Reports. And if you’ve taken any OPI or WPT exams (applies to ESL, Bilingual and World Languages certifications) prepare to input the email address you used in conjunction with creating your account with Language Testing International (LTI) (
- A tip to be sure you've created your account successfully, is that you'll be able to see any previous certifications in the certification section of the home page.
- As a doublecheck within your established NJEdCert account, navigate to the top left, and click on the three bars to open a menu. Select "All My Data" and review all your data to see that it has been entered correctly. If at this point, you find any issues, you will need to reach out to the NJ DOE to find out what is required to get them fixed. The NJDOE Customer Service phone line (609-292-2070) operates from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays except holidays.
- DO NOT apply for your certification at this point. The goal is simply to create your account in advance of being nominated, complete the questionnaire, and then wait to be nominated by Rider University. The "nomination" process (described in step 4) is the fastest, most expedited way to achieve certification.
- The certification questionnaire - After you've successfully created your NJEdCert account, and as soon as you start the final semester of your certification program you may complete the certification questionnaire here making sure you're logged into your Rider email account in order to access this Rider University survey. This questionnaire will provide the information Rider needs in order to "nominate" you, which is the fastest most expedited way to achieve certification. The NJDOE allows Rider to nominate you for up to one year after program completion so if you've already completed your program, as long as it was less than one year ago, please complete this survey as soon as possible and notify Jeanette Friscia. All applicable test requirements need to be completed before you can be nominated. You'll be able to upload these within the questionnaire. If all testing requirements are not met by the time you are completing the questionnaire, you will need to convey planned test dates and follow through with your Test Taker Score Report through email to [email protected] as soon as they become available within the one year time period.
- The nomination** process - After your transcript is awarded with your program completion, which happens approximately one month after your program completion date, a nomination process will take place in the Office of Field Placement and State Certification using the information you provided on the questionnaire. This process will generate a nomination email to the email account associated with your NJEdCert account, (which should be the same email address you input on the questionnaire.) The nomination email will contain directions to take you back into your NJEdCert account so you can accept the nomination(s) and have them become active. This new nomination process is the fastest, most expedited way to achieve certification. YOU MUST WAIT FOR THE NOMINATION EMAIL BEFORE CLICKING THE "APPLY NOW" BUTTON. Then, the next screen will acknowledge your nomination and provide a box to check for each nomination. After you accept each nomination individually, you must process through the payment section found in the breadcrumbs near the top of the page. Lastly, once you've completed accepting your nomination and payment, confirm by going back to your home page where you should now see your certification(s) listed in "Active" status.
*Alternate-Route programs are an exception to the nomination process. You will still apply to graduate for each program, and complete the questionnaire during your final semester, but instead of the nomination process, Rider University will be completing an electronic Verification of Program Completion (VOPC) as part of the steps for New Jersey certification after you add Rider University to your Biographical Data section in your NJEdCert account. You need to wait until after your certification program is finalized as an awarded program on your Rider transcript (typically takes around two or three weeks after your graduation date). The biographical section is found by clicking on the three bars at the very top left corner in your NJEdCert account. This will open a menu to select "Biographical Data." Once you complete this section, it will automatically generate an electronic Verification of Program Completion (VOPC) form to Rider to complete. This VOPC will stay in your NJEdCert account for use when your district starts the "conversion to standard process" on your provisional.
Need more help? Please email questions to our certification coordinator, Jeanette Friscia, at [email protected]. Zoom requests are welcomed and encouraged. Simply list a few dates and times you are available to Zoom within your email inquiry.
Additional certifications: Applicants must apply directly with the state for additional certifications for which they may qualify but did not complete a formal Rider program.
Out-of-state licensure: Please see State Websites for some resources that may help you with your research. Also, if the other state requires verification of program completion (VOPC) forms, they may be mailed to us or emailed to [email protected] as needed. Transcript requests will go through the Registrar's Office.
New Jersey Certification Fees (PDF)
Get an idea of what's next for newly hired first time teachers.
ATTN: Advanced program completer certification applicants
Your application requires a Verification of Employment letter(s). These are needed ONLY for the following certifications and minimum requirements are:
- Principal: 5 years professional experience
- Teacher Leader: 4 years teaching experience and two effective or highly effective annual summative ratings in the three most recent years
- Supervisor: 3 years professional experience
- Reading Specialist: 2 years professional experience
Acceptable documentation may be in the form of a letter on district letterhead from your Personnel Office (Principal or H.R. Dept. as applicable) reflecting the minimum years of full-time employment for your respective certification area. It should contain your name, position title, start date and the time period you held the position or through present. This letter must be dated and signed by appropriate personnel and may be emailed as a pdf or mailed directly from the school district email address of the listed employer to Jeanette Friscia, Certification Coordinator, at [email protected]. or by mail to Rider University, Attn: Jeanette Friscia, State Certification, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Multiple letters may be needed depending on the length of time for each position held.
Additional questions/inquiries not covered above may be directed to Jeanette Friscia at [email protected]. If you'd like a Zoom appointment, please mention that and provide some dates and times you are available.