- B.A. Northwestern College
- M.L.I.S. Rutgers University
- M.Ed. University of Massachusetts, Boston (Instructional Design)
- Research Instruction Co-coordinator
- Emerging Technologies
- Liaison: Business and Education
- Research Grant, American Association of School Librarians (May 2023)
- Research Award, ACRL-NJ, NJLA College & University Section (2018, 2023)
- Summer Research Fellowship & Reimbursement Award, Rider University (June 2022)
- Distinguished Service Award, ACRL-NJ Chapter/New Jersey Library Association College & University Section (June 2020).
- Summer Research Fellowship & Reimbursement Award, Rider University June 2016 for Library Marketing Videos
- Summer Research Fellowship & Reimbursement Award, Rider University June 2014 for Student Use of Discovery Tools
- Cranberry Calvary Award. Rider University, May 2014
- Marketing & Public Relations Award-Tech Shout Out, New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) June 2014
- Technology Innovation Award Nominee, NJLA College & University Section, March 2014
Selected Publications
- Dalal, Heather, Art Taylor, & Sharon Whitfield. (2025). Assessing Students’ Information Literacy attitudes and perceptions of college students across Generations. College & Research Libraries. Forthcoming.
- Monnier, Ruth., & Dalal, Heather. (2024). Peer Mentoring in Academic Librarianship: Service and Connections can Lead to Improved Scholarly Output. Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table, 12(1), 37-46.
- Dalal, Heather A., & Robin Shane. (2023).Taking the Stage: Theatre Design & Information Literacy. Journal of Academic Librarianship 49 (6).
- Valenza, J., H. A. Dalal, G. Mohamad, B. Boyer, L.H. Charles, R. Bushby, C. Berg, M. Dempsey, J. Dalrymple, & E. Dziedzic-Elliott. (2022). First-Years Meet the Frames: What’s (Already) in Their Backpacks? Journal of Academic Librarianship 48(4).
- Dalal, H.A, L.H. Charles, M. Dempsey, C. Berg, R. Bushby, & J. Dalyrmple. (2022). Intentional Librarian-Student Interactions During COVID-19: A Clear Bridge to Developing First-Year Student IL Skills. Journal of Information Literacy 16(1):144-164.
- Valenza, J., C. Berg, R. Bushby, L.H. Charles, H.A. Dalal, J. Dalrymple, and M. Dempsey. 2022. What’s in a Frame? Perspectives of high school librarians and first-year college students. College & Research Libraries News 83(9).
- Dalal, H.A., M.A. Hofmann, & A. Faith. (2021). New Frontiers in Discovery: What We Face and How to Address Equitable Search in Discovery. In Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2020. Eds. Beth Bernhardt, Leah Hinds, Lars Meyer, & Katina Strauch. Sullivan’s Island, SC: Against the Grain Media.
- Dalal, H. A., O'Hanlon, R., & Yacobucci, K. L. (2017). Video marketing for libraries: A practical guide for librarians. Lathan, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Taylor, Art & Heather A. Dalal. (2017). Student Gender and Information Literacy: Evaluation of Gender Differences in a Student Survey of Information Sources. College & Research Libraries 78:90-113;
- Jacobs, Danielle, Heather A. Dalal, & Patricia Dawson. (2016). Integrating ChemicalInformation Instruction into the Chemistry Curriculum on Borrowed Time: TheMultiyear Development and Evolution of a Virtual Instructional Tutorial. Journal of Chemical Education 93 (3), 452-463.
- Jacobs, Danielle, Heather A. Dalal, & Patricia Dawson. (2016). Integrating ChemicalInformation Instruction into the Chemistry Curriculum on Borrowed Time: A Multiyear Case Study of a Capstone Research Report for Organic Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education. 93 (3), 444-451.
- Dempsey, Megan, Heather A. Dalal, Lynee Richel, Leslin Charles, & Davida Scharf. (2015). Continuing the Conversation: Questions about the Framework. Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 164-175.
- Dalal, Heather A., Paris Hannon & Robert J. Lackie. (2015). Creating Campus Buzz with Promotional Videos. In Creative Library Marketing and Publicity; Best Practices. Eds. M. Sandra Wood and Robert J. Lackie. Rowman & Littlefield Press, pp47-62.
- Dalal, Heather A., Amy K. Kimura, and Melissa A. Hofmann. (2015). Searching in the Wild:Observing Information-Seeking Behavior in a Discovery Tool. Association of College & Research Libraries 2015 Conference Proceedings. pp 668-675.
- Yang, Sharon & Heather A. Dalal. (2015). Delivering Reference Services on the Web: An Investigation into the Current practice by Academic Libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship 41(1):68-86.
- Taylor, Art & Heather A. Dalal. (2014). Information Literacy Standards and the World Wide Web: Results from a Student Survey on Evaluation of Internet InformationSources. Information Research. 19(4).
- Dalal, Heather A. & Robert J. Lackie. (2014). What If You Build It and They Still Won't Come? Addressing Student Awareness of Resources and Services with Promotional Videos. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 8(3-4), 225-241.
- Scharf, D. N.Elliot, H.Huey, V.Briller and K.Joshi. (2007). Direct Assessment of Information Literacy using Writing Portfolios. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 33(4), 462-477. Google Scholar Citation Count: 67 (as of January 3, 2015).
Selected Presentations
- Whitfield, Sharon, Heather Dalal, and Thomas O’Connor. (2024, April 8). Virtual Reality in Learning Using BodySwaps in CBA 212. The Learning & Development Conference 2024. The Partnership of Mid NJ ATD and Norm Brodsky College of Business at Rider University.
- Dalal, Heather, Sharon Whitfield, Melissa A. Hofmann, & Marissa Stinson. (2023, May 18). How Vocational Awe Taught Us to Prioritize. Lightning Talk Presentation at the ACRL DVC Annual Spring Conference. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
- Berg, Cara, & Heather Dalal. First Years Meet the Frames (2022, June 3). Presentation at the ACRL-NJ/NJLA CUS Research Forum at the New Jersey Library Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Dalal, H., A Taylor, & S. Whitfield (2021, July 8). Information Literacy & Gen Z. Festivil by LILAC 2021. Virtual.
- Dalal, H., M. A. Hofmann, & A. Faith. (2020, November). New Frontiers in Discovery: What We Face and How to Address Equitable Search in Discovery. Charleston Conference 2020, Virtual.
- Shane, R. & H. Dalal. (2022, May 12). Teaching Visual Literacy to the Theatre Design Student. Lightning Talk Presented at the ACRL Image Resources Interest Group Spring Virtual Meeting.
- Yacobucci, K., H. A. Dalal & R. O’Hanlon. (2018, June 25). Selling Your Story: Best Practices for Library Marketing Videos. Presented at the American Library Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Kimura, Amy & Heather Dalal (2017, June 6). Unmasking the authentic user experience: How video evidence can make the case for improving virtual space. Paper presented at the User Experience in Libraries Conference (UX Libs III). Glasgow, UK.
- Dalal, Heather, Amy Kimura, & Shaun Ellis (2016, April 21). Never Mind the Distance – Study Anyone: Tools and Methods for Engaging Distance Learners in UX Studies and Behavioral Research. Poster presented at the 17th Distance Library Services Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Dalal, Heather, Melissa Hofmann, & Amy Kimura. (2016, April 20). Searching in the Wild: Observing Information-Seeking Behavior in a Discovery Tool. Invited session presented at. The Texas Library Association Annual Conference. Houston, TX.
- Taylor, Art & Heather Dalal (2016, March 23). The Information Literacy of College Students: Gender Influences on Information Source Selection . Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC). Dublin, Ireland.
- Dalal, Heather A., Amy K. Kimura, and Melissa A. Hofmann.(2015, April 22). On the Edge of Discovery: Students and Web-Scale Searching. 2015 NJLA Annual Conference: “Libraries on the Edge.” Long Branch NJ.
- Dalal, Heather, Amy Kimura & Melissa Hofmann. (2015, March 28). Searching in the Wild: Observing Information-Seeking Behavior in a Discovery Tool. Paper presented at the 2015 Association of College & Research Libraries Conference. Portland, OR.
- Berg, Cara, Heather Dalal, Amanda Piekart, Lynee Richel & Davida Scharf (2015, January 9). Frameworks vs. Standards. What are the Issues and Why you Should Care. Breakout Session. presented at the VALE / NJ ACRL / NJLA CUS Sixteenth Annual Users' Conference. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
- Dalal, Heather & Sharon Yang. (2014, June 4). Where are We Now? What Types of Academic Libraries Provide Virtual Reference? Presented at the New Jersey Library Association Conference. Atlantic City, NJ.
- Yang, Sharon & Heather Dalal. (2014, June 16). Virtual Reference A to Z, What You Should Know as an Administrator. Presented at the Library Management Institute Summer Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
- Dalal, Heather, Robert Lackie, David M. Reynolds, & Julia Pendagast. (2014, June 4). No Budget? No Problem! You can make a Library Minute! Poster presented at the New Jersey Library Association Conference. Atlantic City, NJ.
- Dalal, Heather & Art Taylor. (2014, June 4). Student Evaluation of Internet Information Sources and Information Literacy Standards: Results from a Student Survey. Presented at the Research Forum at the at the New Jersey Library Association Conference. Atlantic City, NJ.
- Dalal, Heather & Robert Lackie. (2014, April 23). What if you Build It, and They Still Won’t Come? Addressing Student Awareness of Resources and Services With Promotional Videos. Paper presented at The Sixteenth Distance Library Services Conference. Denver, CO.
- Dalal, Heather. (2014, April 25). Efficient Tools to Simplify Distance Reference Transactions. Poster presented at The Sixteenth Distance Library Services Conference. Denver, CO.
- Dalal, Heather (2014, March 25). Panel on Outreach in Academic Libraries. Invited presenter and panelist with Megan Lotts, Amanda Piekart, and Bonnie Lafazan. Sponsored by the Rutgers Student College and Academic Research Library Association. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
- Dalal, Heather, Robert Lackie, David M. Reynolds, & Julia Pendagast. (2014, January 10). One Minute Promotional Videos: Meet the Corner Team. Breakout Session presented at the VALE / NJ ACRL / NJLA CUS Fifteenth Annual Users' Conference. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
- Dalal, Heather. (2013, June 29). Making Online Training as Effective as Face-to- face. Poster presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.